What you are about to read was originally an old post about a movement I was trying to get off the ground. It never really took off, but I still think it was a great idea.
When looking back at my blog posts, I get the feeling that although I am doing all the right things and most of my blogs are getting lots of hits, very few people are taking the time to comment. Now if you’re like me, you have to agree that getting comments breathes life into a blog. Without feedback, it’s sort of like talking to the wind. If we think of our blog as a room and the readers as visitors to that room, then perhaps getting that initial comment would be like what would happen when someone breaks the silence, and a conversation ensues. We need a way to break the ice, and the best approach is to offer an incentive. The best motivation is to return the favour by commenting on their blog.
Considering the vast amount of bloggers out there who would dearly love to increase the comments on their blog, I reckon the solution should be trendy. I want to start a “You Comment And I Will Comment On Your Blog” movement and to show who is involved in the campaign we should display an icon.
Also, I feel that like the ‘dofollow’ movement, we should also get rid of no-follow tags that are standard with most blogs.
Anyone who wants to get involved in this movement needs to meet the following requirements.
- Always follow the commenter to their blog and leave a comment; otherwise, it defeats the purpose of the movement.
- Try to leave a quality comment that relates to the post. Comments like ‘nice blog’, or ‘nice post’ should be avoided.
- Do not spam while commenting. Yeah, I know this is obvious, but I don’t think we should leave anything to chance.
- Let people know you are part of the movement by displaying the icon. If you don’t like mine feel free to make one of your own.

Displaying the icon is as simple as copying the following code onto your blog. The code will also link to this post, but it would be a great idea if you introduce your readers to the movement by providing an article on your blog.
<!–Start I Follow–>
<a href=”http://wassupblog.com/2008/08/22/do-you-want-more-people-commenting-on-your-blog//”<img title=”You Comment And I Will Comment Back” src=”http://www.wassupblog.com/images/commentback.gif” alt=”You Comment And I Will Comment Back” height=”40″ width=”88″>
<!–End I Follow–>
If there are any other requirements that you think we should add to make this a better system, then why not leave me a comment.
Of all the blogs you have left a comment on, and how many of the bloggers have reciprocated?
To stop any Tom, Dick or Harry from an unrelated blog, leaving a comment forcing you to reciprocate, something you may not be comfortable with, then perhaps you could set a few rules in your comment policy.
Finally, I’m trying to get others into the habit of leaving good comments on YouTube. To do that I created my How To Leave Great Comments On YouTube video.
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