You’re here because you want to learn how to make money online!
I’m here to tell you that it is possible and I’m going to show you how.
Yes, you can make money online, but the first thing you have to do is to forget all those sites you’ve seen that promise to show you how to make a fortune online. When coming across these sites, ask yourself one simple question. Does it sound too good to be true? If it does, then it probably is, and you should be looking elsewhere. Truth be told you can make money online! I’m currently making several thousands of dollars a year! I could be making more, but I’m not working as hard at it as I should be doing! There is no reason why you shouldn’t leave me behind if you’re willing to put the time and hard work into your future online career by following the steps outlined in this post. Take note, regardless of what you’ve read, it is not an easy road and will take both times, hard work and dedication if you are to succeed.
Make Money Online Step One
Static website or Blog? Whether to have a static website or Blog is the first question most people ask, and I believe that for the majority of new online entrepreneurs, the answer is a blog. The two main reasons for this are because a blog is easier to update and secondly unless you have the design experience to construct a professional-looking website, using a professional theme you can have a professional-looking blog up and running in minutes. There are many professional themes out there, but my favourite is the OceanWP theme.
Make Money Online Step Two
Hosted or Free Blog Site? It would be best if you host your Blog. If two people were claiming to show you how to make money and one was on a free blog site, and the other had a self-hosted professional Blog who are you more likely to believe? The self-hosted one right? Heck, if the Blogger blog were making money, he’d be hosting his Blog for sure.

Created with The Creator
I’ve used several hosts in my time, and my favourite is Bluehost and GreenGeeks because it’s a Green Host Provider. These are great when you first start as costs are minimal, under $7 per month! Where else can you start a business for such a small outlay? Oh, did you like the way the arrows highlights the comparing Blogger with self-hosted WordPress blogs image? I just threw that in to show you one of the many features of this theme, which happens to be great for affiliate marketers! Anyway, as I was saying, these hosts are great for when you’re just starting up. Once your online business starts taking off, you may need to move to a VPS (Virtual Private Server) host because most shared hosting sites can’t handle the traffic. I’m currently using InMotion Hosting, and I am more than satisfied.
Make Money Online Step Three
To Niche Or Not To Niche!: While there is more money to be made with a niche blog they’re also harder to maintain if you’re not knowledgeable about the core subject matter of your niche. Those who tend to succeed with niche blogs are passionate about their subject, and it usually shows in their writing. My first blogs were all general blogs because I found them easier to update. If you’re considering the niche route, you should take the time to research them, check out the competition and see how you can improve on their content. The best niches include weight loss, pets, photography and one that I’m currently in online lottery sites. Whichever niche you choose make sure you know enough about it to write confidently so that your readers can learn to trust in your experience Once you gain their trust they’re more likely to buy from you and recommend you to others.
Make Money Online Step Four
Have an About page: Tell people who you are, what your background is, and what they can expect from your site. You’d be surprised how many people won’t bother with a website if they can’t find out who’s behind it. It’s best to include your real name as this will make people more comfortable when commenting or contacting you via your contact page. Yep, you should have one of those too. Using your real name also helps when people want to share your content with their social media friends. Your about page would also be a great place to put your photo. Doing this helps others to associate with who you are. Which reminds me, this is something I should do but keep putting off. Don’t make your about page a sales page. Be yourself and speak in a natural voice.
Make Money Online Step Five
Give Your Readers Great Content: I know you want to get to the making money part, but as I said at the beginning of this post, it is not an easy road and will take both times, hard work and dedication if you are to succeed. That being the case not following all the steps will only hamper your progress in your online money-making venture. You’ve probably read more than once that content is king, and this is true. Great content not only attracts the search engines, especially when people link to your site, which they won’t do if your content falls short of being excellent, it also builds confidence in your reader, prospective clients or customers. You will not have a very high conversion rate if people do not like your content. Therefore you must ensure that your content is easy to read, factual and grammatically correct. You should consequently proofread your posts and sales pages. Dotting all the I’s and crossing all the t’s will show people that you’re serious and dedicated and that excellence in all that you do is an essential part of your psyche.
Make Money Online Step Six
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