Why I Love Shorts And Should You Do Them

Why I Love Shorts

This post is about why I love shorts, and I admit that I always thought YouTube shorts were a waste of time. But now I do them weekly, especially for my Laughaholics channel. If you’re considering starting your own shorts you should read my Is It Worth Doing Shorts On YouTube post.

I love publishing shorts because they’re so easy to do, they don’t take much time to make and some of them get a lot of views as well as add to my subscribers. Although I’ve found growing the subscriber count using shorts is a little slow I believe every little bit counts.

My Popular Shorts

why I love shorts

I’ve found folk love Little Johnny and so he appears in a lot of my shorts. Little Johnny Meets The Pastor was only published three days ago and it already has over 500 views.

My most popular joke was How old are you mummy joke. That video has nearly 2k views and boosted my subscribers by 6.

My most popular shorts wasn’t a joke at all. It was a video of my cute granddaughter titled the toddler who could be doing an audition and that short has over 2.2k views and earned me 4 new subscribers. Cute toddlers are usually a good subject for shorts.

Why I Love Shorts Summary

I love shorts because they are easy to make, take very little time, unless I use my cool animation software and they get me heaps of views, which is important if you want to get monetized, as well as help me to grow my subscriber base.

Other Topics To Keep You Entertained

I’ve recently got a Google Doorbell as a gift and you can read my review here.
And now, for my customary self-promotion of my growing YouTube Channel. As you know, I’m always looking for new subscribers, so why not consider subscribing to my My Bonzer Channel

Perhaps you like to have a good laugh? If that’s true, then you will love my Laughaholics Channel.

Continue ReadingWhy I Love Shorts And Should You Do Them

My Funniest YouTube Shorts

My Funniest YouTube Shorts

My Funniest YouTube Shorts asks why YT stops showing them in the feeds. Let’s face it, getting shorts to rate well on YouTube is no easy task and the amount of competition makes it even more difficult. In today’s post, I’m going to show you some of my shorts that rated well compared to some that didn’t do so well. Maybe between us, we can work out what makes one #shorts more popular than another.

How Old Are You Mummy? Another Funniest YouTube Shorts

My How Old Are You Mummy has gotten over 1.9k views. You will notice from the image below that it got those views in the first 4 days and then nothing. One can only assume that YouTube decided not to feature this video in the premium search area. Shit, you can scroll down for ages without coming across it.

My Funniest YouTube Shorts

Of those who saw it in their feed 69% decided to view it and only 31% swiped away. One would assume from those stats that the video was popular and I understand YT wants to give others a go but to dump it from it search engine completely seems a little harsh,

Granny Takes Birth Control Pill

Let’s have a look at my Granny takes birth control pill joke which has close to 1.4k views. Again, it got those views in the first 4 days, so that seems to be a regular thing with YT. This time 50% viewed the video while 50% swiped away.

My Funniest YouTube Shorts

Then there is my The Elderly Man With New hearing Aid joke. This video was shown in the feed 1.9k times and from that it got 696 times and all that in 2 days and then nothing. This time 63% decided to swipe away but 37% decided to view it and I think that’s still pretty good.

Funny Little Johnny Sex Joke

Then there’s my Funny Little Johnny Sex Joke. I had high hopes for this joke because I thought it was hilarious. But, in 8 days it has had only 12 views, 8 of those from the feed. It’s also interesting to note that only 25% swiped away.

The question is why has YT decided not to show this one in the feed. According to Tube Buddy the keywords have an 88% positive rating so it should be showing in the search a lot more than it is.

If anyone out there has an inkling of what’s going on I’d love it if you left me a comment.

Other Topics To Keep You Entertained

Have you thought of joining Temu? You may be interested in my Temu Review.
And now, for my customary self-promotion of my growing YouTube Channel. As you know, I’m always looking for new subscribers, so why not consider subscribing to my My Bonzer Channel

Perhaps you like to have a good laugh? If that’s true, then you will love my Laughaholics Channel.

Continue ReadingMy Funniest YouTube Shorts

Is It Worth Doing Shorts On YouTube?

What Is The Real Value Of YouTube Shorts?

This post is about whether it’s Worth Doing Shorts On YouTube? I’ve been doing shorts on YouTube for a while now, and I’ve learned a few interesting facts about YouTube Shorts. I’m going to share these with you now.

Can You Make Money With YouTube Shorts?

The answer is yes and no. Yes, you can make money but what you earn from shorts is nowhere near as much as you do on your long-term videos. The reason is that YouTube only pays six lousy cents per 1 million views. How do I know that? That’s what this YT creator told me in his short How Much YouTube paid for 1 million views. But that didn’t sound right so I did some math and left him this comment.

Is It Worth Doing Shorts On YouTube

I think the maths is all wrong because 1 million x 6 cents is $60,000. So to earn $60 for a million views YT is only paying us 0.00006 cents which is pathetic

However, that may have changed since that particular Short was published so I checked my shorts stats on Laughaholics. My shorts this year have been erratic so when working out the stats I did it for a year. In 2024 my shorts had 34.7K views earning me $3.12. That equates to 0.00009 cents! A bit more than the above Youtuber but still pathetic.

If The Money Is Bad Why Bother With Shorts?

To answer that I’m going to tell you why I do it.

  • Subscribers: Since I started doing shorts I’ve grown my subscribers an extra 38 in the last year. Comparing that to the 58 subscribers from my normal video I think that’s pretty good.
  • Shorts, for me, are easy to produce and take a lot less effort.
  • Shorts can be fun to make.
  • Shorts appeal to a different audience which I would be missing out on if I wasn’t producing them.

As to whether or not it’s Worth Doing Shorts On YouTube I feel that will all depend on the individual YouTuber. As far as I’m concerned the answer to whether it’s Worth Doing Shorts On YouTube the answer is yes.

Other Topics To Keep You Entertained

I’ve recently got a Google Doorbell as a gift and you can read my review here.
And now, for my customary self-promotion of my growing YouTube Channel. As you know, I’m always looking for new subscribers, so why not consider subscribing to my My Bonzer Channel

Perhaps you like to have a good laugh? If that’s true, then you will love my Laughaholics Channel.

Continue ReadingIs It Worth Doing Shorts On YouTube?

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