The Smartest Jew Ever

Welcome to my Friday Funnies and today’s joke, the smartest Jew ever. Of course, if you would rather watch the cool animation as I deliver this joke you can hop over to YouTube and watch, Funny What Is That? Jewish Joke.

The Smartest Jew Ever Joke Of The Day

In 1980, an old Jewish man was finally allowed to leave the Soviet Union to return to Israel. They searched him at the Moscow airport and found a bust of Lenin in his luggage. “What is that?” asked the customs official.

“What is that? What is that?!” exclaimed the old man. “Don’t say “What is that?” say “Who is that?” That is Lenin, of course! The genius who thought up this worker’s paradise!”

The Smartest Jew Ever

The official laughed and let the older man through.

Next, the Jewish man arrived at the Tel Aviv airport, where an Israeli customs official found the bust of Lenin. “What is that?” asked the customs official.

“What is that? What is that?!” exclaimed the old man. “Don’t say “What is that?” say “Who is that?” That is Lenin, of course! The dog! I will put him on display in my toilet for all the years he prevented this old man from returning home!”

The official laughed and let the elderly man through.

When he arrived at his family’s house in Jerusalem, his grandson saw him unpacking the bust.

“Who is that?” asked his grandson.

“Who is that? Who is that?!” exclaimed the old man. “Don’t say “Who is that?” say “What is that? That, my child, is eight pounds of gold!

Other Topics To Keep You Entertained

My YouTube Video Shorts Tips has proved to be a popular post.

And now, for my customary self-promotion of my growing YouTube Channel. As you know, I’m always looking for new subscribers, so why not consider subscribing to my My Bonzer Channel. My most popular video, with over 20k views, is the funny golf video. Wouldn’t it be great if The Boy With Only A Head became as popular?

If you ever wondered how to remove a background from an image, check out Removing the background with InPixio Photo Clip. I’ve also found Luminar Neo to be a fantastic photo editor.

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Is FileVault Enough

Everyone is concerned about cybersecurity. We all know hackers are out there, and they would love nothing better than to hack our computers.

Is FileVault Enough

Fortunately, Mac owner’s data is encrypted automatically, if they have Apple silicon or an Apple T2 Security Chip. Having FileVault provides an extra layer of security by keeping Cyber Creeps from decrypting or getting access to your data without entering your login password. If your Mac doesn’t have Apple silicon or the T2 chip, you will need to turn on FileVault to encrypt your data. See this article to learn how to turn FileVault on.

Is FileVault Enough To Protect Your Data?

I don’t believe so. Sure, it encrypts the data on your computer, but how about when you are surfing the net? It’s when you are online that you are most at risk. And it’s not just browsing the web that could give hackers the chance to get to you. Even chatting via messaging apps not to mention the downloading of software, are some of the things that can put you at risk.

I know I am not that computer illiterate, and I don’t clear my browser history often enough because it is all too hard. When I do think of doing it, I always have to resort to Google to find out how to do it, and it takes several attempts before I find one that I can understand.

That’s why I was so relieved when I found that CleanMyMac X keeps my online and offline activity private. In today’s world of nasty hackers who have no scruples security and privacy should be our top priority. Fortunately, tools like FileVault and CleanMyMac X guarantee extra protection assuring our information won’t be compromised.

I think it’s time I show you just how easily CleanMyMac X ensures that extra level of protection. You can watch the video here.

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Why YouTube Closed Captions Matter

How Important Are Closed Captions

Are you wondering about how necessary captions are for your YouTube videos? Will captions bring you more views?  

Interestingly enough, Digital Discovery Network did a study that showed that captioned videos bring in 7.32% more views. That alone should encourage most YouTubers to start adding captions. And there is more.

Why YouTube Closed Captions Matter
Professional Captions Using VidCap One Of Many Apps Found On Setapp.

What Is Metadata &How Crucial Is It?

We all know how crucial metadata is to YouTube, including your title, descriptions, and tags! TechTarget says that “Metadata is data that describes other data, providing a structured reference that helps to sort and identify attributes of the information it describes.” YouTube reads this data relating to your video, and it’s all taken into account when running their algorithms. Captions are part of that metadata, and not having that can be detrimental to the views that you could be getting.

How To Caption Your Videos

There are several ways you can caption your videos. You could do it manually and then upload them, but that is so time-consuming, I tried it once and decided life was too short to waste my time when it could be used to do other more constructive tasks.

You can let YouTube do it for you and I can tell you I’ve tried that too but YouTube does a pretty poor job of it. I reckon you’d be lucky if the captions YouTube provides you are more than 60-70% correct. Then you have to go into the captioning area and edit YouTube’s captions. Not correcting YouTube’s faulty captions means you’re presenting the wrong metadata and giving the wrong information about what your video is about.

More Important Than Metadata

Something even more important than metadata is that 36 million people in America alone are deaf or have trouble hearing. Let alone the other countless millions that live around the world. Then some people don’t have hearing problems and watch YouTube videos with captions because they don’t want to bother the people around them.

There are countless of times when I wish a video had captions because I couldn’t understand what was said. In cases such as this, captions have proven to increase comprehension. 

Best App For Captioning You Videos

I’m writing this post is to let you know that I have found an app that makes captioning a cinch. That app is called VidCap and is part of the Setapp arsenal of hundreds of quality apps, all at the low subscription price of $9.99/month. You can read all about Setapp in my Is Setapp Worth The Money post or watch my video Is The Setapp Subscription any good?

Watch my video Does Setapp’s VidCap Captions Work to see VidCap in action.

All in all, captioning is going to help your channel, making it more accessible to a lot more people. YouTube knows this, which is why they include it in their metadata. Personally, I’m going to go through all my videos, adding captions to those that I believe need it.

Other Topics To Keep You Entertained

My Blogging Tips have proved to be popular and if you would like a good laugh then you will love The Prince’s 9 Years Of Silence Joke.

And now, for my customary self-promotion of my growing YouTube Channel. As you know, I’m always looking for new subscribers, so why not consider subscribing to my My Bonzer Channel. My most popular video, with over 20k views, is the funny golf video. Wouldn’t it be great if Woman Rescues Parrots From Brothel became as popular?

If you ever wondered how to repair old photos and turn b/w into colour, you should check out my Watch The TouchRetouch Example And Review



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