Smoking In The Rain

My smoking in the rain post does not mean I’m promoting smoking at all, and I know this is supposed to be a Friday Funnies post. It is a Friday Funnies post, and all I’m doing is trying to find an exciting way to introduce my Friday Funnies Joke and why not post a joke about smoking in the rain? Especially if I found it to be pretty funny.

However, before we get to the joke, I want everyone to know that I think smoking is a filthy habit. I would never take it up. I lie. I did smoke, a long, long time ago. I was actually in primary school at the time, and because I couldn’t afford to buy them, I used to roll my own. I used pages from my school exercise book as cigarette paper, and I tried different material for tobacco. The foulest stuff I ever used was the dried silk off of the old corn cob. The most volatile was the bard off of the grapevine. Once I puffed so hard, it burst into flames.  

The best stuff I ever used was the dry grass I found in an alleyway. But that supply was short-lived. What happened was one day when I was casually walking down the alley to get my collection of grass. I found this dog pissing on my supply. I haven’t smoked a cigarette since.  

But hang on a second. This post isn’t about me; it’s about smoking in the rain.  

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WassupBlog Now Hosted On A VPS Host

Why WassupBlog Now Hosted On A VPS Host

You certainly don’t have to be Tom Cruise to ‘have a need’ for speed! Nope, because even a blogger, who wants to supply his readers with the ultimate experience, requires speed! Sure, we all know that content is king, but, people may not hang around long enough to see how good your content is if your blog takes too long to load. That’s bad and what’s worse is that if your blog is all about making money, then having a slow blog may be costing you sales.

I’ve done a couple of posts on how to increase your blog speed, the last one being Taking The Time To Increase Your Blog’s Speed, but this one is going to show you ways that won’t just make your blog faster it will also make Google happier, and we all want to do that don’t we?  

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How To Promote A Blog Using Instagram

I’m not much for social media, but I’ve decided to learn how to promote a blog using Instagram. The reason I need to know how to promote a blog using Instagram is so I can promote my latest blog,

Not knowing the proper avenues of doing it myself, I turned to YouTube for help. Thanks to Content Gorilla with the aid of Grammarly, I was able to repurpose what you’re about to read from this YouTube video by Clarice Lin.

How To Promote A Blog Using Instagram 

Because of my latest blog, Laugh Out, which is all about making people laugh, I decided to start an Instagram account with a dual purpose. The first is to put a smile on peoples faces, and the second is to promote my blog. I’m sure it is the best tool to use as Instagram is all about memes and videos that people share. And funny memes, jokes and videos are what my blog is all about so it is the perfect fit.

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