Do Thumbnails And Keywords Make A Difference

Do Thumbnails And Keywords Make A Difference?

Whether thumbnails and keywords make a difference is a question many YouTubers are asking themselves. Personally I believe that thumbnails and keywords does make a difference which is why I invested in Tube Buddy to help me with my keywords, you can get the free version here. I also invested in The Graphics Creator to help me with designing my Thumbnails.

My Thumbnail And Keywords Comparison Test

For years I’ve persisted with one YouTube channel, My Bonzer Channel. My Bonzer Channel covers a lot of topics, from how to videos to funny jokes. Over the years, I started it in 2007, I’ve grown it to 2.62k subscribers with 751 videos.

I posted my first video on Laughaholics in Deccember 2021. My intention for Laughaholics was to repurpose my jokes from My Bonzer Channel changing only the keywords and thumbnails. Imagine my surprise when Laughaholics took off and I was able to monetize it a hell of a lot quicker than My Bonzer Channe! At least until YouTube decided to demonetize it saying I was copying content. I did a video on that and you can watch it here if your interested.

Proving To YouTube Video Ownership

I wasn’t going to give up though. I wanted my Laughaholics monetization back. That didn’t happen until I made a video telling YouTube why they should reinstate Laughaholics. You can watch that video here. As I’m writing this post, I now have 1.18k subscriber with 355 videos.

Thumbnails And Keywords Does Make A Difference

In general I have found that for the majority of videos on Laughaholics, thumbnails and keyword have made a big difference. My most popular post on Laughaholics is Little Johnny Asks Naked Mom About Breasts with 207k views.

Do Thumbnails And Keywords Make A Difference

On My Bonzer Channel that video went by Little Johnny Showers With Mom Joke and only got 494 views.

You will of course notice the different keywords and thumbnails.

I’m not going to compare all the videos because that will take too long. Instead I’m going to compare my last video which is Hilarious Joke About Big Jake. That video is 5 days old and has 4 views. Compare that to my Funny Big Jake Is Coming Joke, which was published Dec 26 2024 and has 12 views.

Other Topics To Keep You Entertained

I’ve recently got a Google Doorbell as a gift and you can read my review here.
And now, for my customary self-promotion of my growing YouTube Channel. As you know, I’m always looking for new subscribers, so why not consider subscribing to my My Bonzer Channel

Perhaps you like to have a good laugh? If that’s true, then you will love my Laughaholics Channel.

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WassupBlog Now Hosted On A VPS Host

Why WassupBlog Now Hosted On A VPS Host

You certainly don’t have to be Tom Cruise to ‘have a need’ for speed! Nope, because even a blogger, who wants to supply his readers with the ultimate experience, requires speed! Sure, we all know that content is king, but, people may not hang around long enough to see how good your content is if your blog takes too long to load. That’s bad and what’s worse is that if your blog is all about making money, then having a slow blog may be costing you sales.

I’ve done a couple of posts on how to increase your blog speed, the last one being Taking The Time To Increase Your Blog’s Speed, but this one is going to show you ways that won’t just make your blog faster it will also make Google happier, and we all want to do that don’t we?  

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How To Promote A Blog Using Instagram

I’m not much for social media, but I’ve decided to learn how to promote a blog using Instagram. The reason I need to know how to promote a blog using Instagram is so I can promote my latest blog,

Not knowing the proper avenues of doing it myself, I turned to YouTube for help. Thanks to Content Gorilla with the aid of Grammarly, I was able to repurpose what you’re about to read from this YouTube video by Clarice Lin.

How To Promote A Blog Using Instagram 

Because of my latest blog, Laugh Out, which is all about making people laugh, I decided to start an Instagram account with a dual purpose. The first is to put a smile on peoples faces, and the second is to promote my blog. I’m sure it is the best tool to use as Instagram is all about memes and videos that people share. And funny memes, jokes and videos are what my blog is all about so it is the perfect fit.

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