More YouTube Views With Playlists

It’s true. You can get more YouTube views with playlists! I didn’t realize this until recently, and I want to share it with all my readers so they can take advantage of this. I’ve even produced a video called How Playlists Guarantee More Views.

More YouTube Views With Playlists Guaranteed

I highly recommend that you watch that video so that you can see how exactly how I optimize my playlists for more YouTube views. Not to mention the proof, I show how it works!

More YouTube Views With Playlists
Created with the Creator

When producing this video, I decided to use a different tact than the one offered by other YT Creators. I compared playlists to files in a filing cabinet. On my YouTube Channel, I use playlists to organize all of my videos. I have a playlist for my Laughaholics video and another one for my Hot Sports Women. I have a playlist for my YouTube Tips and Tricks and another one for my Aussie Stuff, which makes it easier for my viewers to access the videos they want.

There are times when specific videos can fit in multiple playlists, and this will give those videos more exposure.

It is so important to give your viewers a great experience while they’re on your channel. You should always ensure the videos you upload are of the highest quality and that they deliver what you have promised, which is why you should never, ever use clickbait!

Playlists The Key To Channel Navigation

Did you know that every time you create a playlist, it becomes immediately searchable? Yep, YouTube regards every playlist as new content. The fact that YouTube offers you the ability to create playlists shows how important it is to have them. And if you use your playlists as categories for your videos, you make it easier for viewers to navigate your channel. And we all know how much Google loves a site that that is easy to navigate. YouTube is no different, which isn’t surprising as Google owns YouTube.

Playlists Great For SEO

Playlists give you another avenue to help people to find your videos. When creating a playlist, you should use the same SEO techniques that you would when creating a new video or blog post. The title should be captivating and contain the keywords you’re targeting once you’ve come up with a title you need to add the description, something I’ve yet to do on many of my playlists. ? YouTube allows you 5000 characters for you to let viewers know what your playlist is about. so make sure you make fair use of it without going to the extreme of keyword stuffing. Search engines always frown on keyword stuffing, but more importantly, it will give your viewers an awful experience.

YouTube Loves Playlists

That fact that YouTube loves playlists is another reason why you should use them because you need to give YouTube what it wants. YouTube wants you to use playlists because YT knows it will encourage viewers to stay on YouTube. YouTube wants you to use playlists which is why they offer you the option to link to them in End Screens and Cards! You want to make YouTube happy, don’t you? 

You May Find The Following Of Interest

Please consider joining my growing YouTube Channel. As you know I’m always looking for new subscribers so why not consider subscribing to my My Bonzer Channel

If you ever wondered how to remove a background from an image you should watch my Removing the background with InPixio Photo Clip.

Of course, you know you can always get more laughs at my Friday Funnies posts, not to mention my Heaps Of Jokes.

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Jennifer

    I can see why playlists increase views. So many times I’m in one and try to get out but click on another video in the playlist instead

    1. Peter

      Hi Jennifer, that must mean you liked what you saw. I plan to optimize my playlists first opportunity I get. Thanks for dropping by.

  2. Debbie D.

    Great idea with the playlists! I didn’t know you were so active on Youtube, Peter. It seems I am already subscribed to your channel but it’s been a while since I’ve done anything over there. Wishing you much success!

    1. Peter

      Hey Debbie, I reckon you’re not getting notifications of my videos because you didn’t click the bell and selected ‘All’. I reckon out of the 1500+ subscribers that I have only 70 odd get notified of my videos. Of those, less than 2 % click through to watch the video. The majority of my views are from search results. Nice to see you again.

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