I’ve decided to use Facebook to help promote my Laughaholics playlist, which is slowly gaining in popularity. Creating a Facebook page for YouTube was therefor the obvious thing to do. I’ve outlined the reasons for creating a Faceboom page for YouTube below. For the life of me, I don’t know why I didn’t do it earlier.
Why Creating A Facebook Page For YouTube Is Important
We all know that Facebook is one of the most popular online social networking service with over 1 billion users. We also know that a lot of folks set up a Facebook page to promote their business, especially because it’s free to do so. So, why shouldn’t I start a faceBook page to promote Laughaholics?

In a way, you could consider YouTube to be an online business as there are so many YouTubers who are making a good living out of their channel. While I may not be selling products or services, I believe that I’m providing something that is so much better. I’m making people laugh or, at the very least, I am bringing a smile to their face. According to this article, laughter is the best medicine.
Making The Most Of Your Facebook Page
However, I want my Laughaholics FB Page to be much more than just a tool to promote Laughaholics. Otherwise, all they need do is to subscribe to my YouTube channel and not bother about joining my FB page. To do that I’m going to post anything that I think will make people laugh, whether it’s a joke, a funny image, video or even a link to a funny article.
When creating a page they say it’s important to post images and videos to make the posts more engaging and that’s something that will happen naturally because that’s what Laughaholics is all about.
So, if you love to laugh or are just looking for something to brighten your day, then you should join my Laughaholics FB Page. When you do why not share the link with your friends so that can have a giggle as well.
You May Find The Following Of Interest
Why not join my growing YouTube Channel. As you know I’m always looking for new subscribers so why not consider subscribing to my My Bonzer Channel.
If you ever wondered how to remove a background from an image you should watch my Removing the background with InPixio Photo Clip. I use these images including the image included in this post which I put together using the Creator.
Of course, you know you can always get more laughs at my Friday Funnies posts, not to mention my Heaps Of Jokes.
Jokes aside I reckon you’ll like my latest video Luminar 4 Review which show just how easy it is to replace a dreary sky for a dramatic one in your photos.
There’s also my latest video, how I got approval for Google Adsense.
Thanks, Peter, for your business post. I run a YouTube Channel. I was looking for ways to popularise the channel. Facebook seems to be an attractive platform to introduce my YouTube channel to people around the world. Thanks for the tips to make the best out my Facebook page.
G’day SK, I’m glad you found the post of some use. Thanks for letting me know.
I run a youtube channel. And I was researching on how to make my YouTube channel popular. I came to know about the Facebook page from your site. With the help of a Facebook page, people from all over the world will know about my YouTube channel. Thanks for this post. Post again to provide new information.
It was my pleasure David.